The report describes how the AHA governance model was chosen and developed and it builds on existing literature, the extensive exchange with project partners and AHA stakeholders in the region and the results of the AHA stakeholder classification exercise carried out within the ASTAHG project. Further, the report describes the structure of the governance model, the activities which should be carried out, and the policy areas to be covered. In addition to that, the report discusses the practical application of the model, and a first step towards implementing the governance model has already been taken by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the project partners to set up a Transnational Governance Board (TGB) for AHA in the AS. Finally, the report outlines how the model should be further applied in practice, and it shows linkages to AHA governance tools developed in other parts of the ASTAHG project and also outlines the next steps to be taken within the project.
Geyer, L., Boehler, C., Müllauer, A., Kapferer, E. & Koch, A.
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European Centre
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