ACCESS – Supporting digital literacy and appropriation of ICT by older people

Digital media and new technologies can support older persons’ wellbeing and enrich their every-day lives. However, seniors face a multitude of obstacles and hindrances when taking on these modern technologies. ACCESS explores, implements and evaluates new modes of socially embedded learning opportunities for older persons with low technical skills in order to enable them to gain experiences and sustainable knowledge and skills regarding modern technology and find meaningful ways for its every- day use. To achieve this, different learning settings (i.a. formal and informal) will be examined and further developed in combination with different forms of learning (courses, senior-to-senior, negotiation spaces) as new learning opportunities. Furthermore, a stationary as well as a mobile demo kit of assistive technologies will be assembled accompanied by a training concept for learning providers and organisations to spark discourse and provide opportunities for improvement on the technological side. 

JPI “More Years, Better Lives”

University of Siegen Department of Information Systems and New Media/ IT for the ageing society, GERMANY

Research Association for Gerontology at TU Dortmund University, GERMANY

INRCA Istituto Nazionale di Riposo e Cura per Anziani/ National Institutes on Health and Science of Ageing, ITALY

University of Eastern Finland Philosophical Faculty Professor of Special Education, FINLAND

German Institute for Japanese Studies, JAPAN
