Demografischer Wandel & Generationen

INNOVAGE - Social Innovations Promoting Active and Healthy Ageing

The objectives of the INNOVAGE project directly address the current major barriers to innovation and to the achievement of the extension of healthy life years across the EU. INNOVAGE aims to achieve impact in the public, private and third sectors and is built on the closest possible partnership with end users and stakeholders, including older people themselves.The INNOVAGE project is dedicated to developing, testing as well as surveying and cataloguing social innovations that will have a solid impact on improving the quality of life and well-being of older people.


INTERREG Austria - Hungary: Age-friendly Region New models to improve quality of life across the Austrian-Hungarian borders

In 2010 the World Health Organisation launched the initiative ‘Age-friendly World’. The vision is to reshape all towns and regions into living spaces in which to grow old. The project ‘Age-friendly Region’ will contribute to bringing this vision to the Austrian-Hungarian border region by improving the situation of older people in need of care. The project will develop new approaches so that older people in need of care and their relatives can better cope within their familiar context to enjoy an appropriate quality of life in old age. 



LARAH - Location-aware Assistant Robots At Home

LARAH (Location-aware Assistant Robots At Home) aimed at providing older persons with an assistive robot, to provide support and safety in their own homes. This project developed a visual indoor localization solution for mobile assistive robots. The advanced localization technology proposed in LARAH will improve the assessment of the own position of the robot, and support tasks such as, finding and bringing objects, opening doors, and in finding persons in case of an emergency (e.g. fall).


Give&Take - Designing a reciprocal exchange service for a good and engaged senior life

Give&Take co-designs an innovative digital platform that enables senior citizens to reciprocally exchange services and resources, creating new opportunities for senior citizens to contribute to society as volunteers and caregivers in their local communities. The GiveTake project is funded under the EU’s AAL programme.




WAY·KEY ist ein von der FFG im Schwerpunkt Mobilität der Zukunft gefördertes Projekt am Institut für Gestaltungs- und Wirkungsforschung der TU Wien. Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung von technologischen Artefakten, um Demenzpatient/innen bei der Navigation zu unterstützen.


Demographie-Check für die Nockregion Oberkärnten (Demo-Check)

Absehbare erhebliche Verschiebungen in der Bevölkerungsentwicklung der Nockregion Oberkärnten führen dazu, dass der demographische Wandel zum bestimmenden Faktor für die räumliche Entwicklung wird.
Um das Bewusstsein für diese Tatsache bei den SchlüsselakteurInnen zu schärfen, wird in dieser Pilot-Studie ein „Demographie-Check“ in dieser Region durchgeführt.


Stadt der kurzen Wege aus ökosozialer Sicht - Nahversorgung und Naherholung in Wien vor dem Hintergrund des demographischen Wandels

Das Forschungsprojekt „Stadt der kurzen Wege aus ökosozialer Sicht“ soll vor dem Hintergrund des zu erwartenden demographischen Wandels in Wien und seiner möglichen Auswirkungen auf die Nahversorgungs- und Naherholungssituation verschiedener Anspruchsgruppen einen Beitrag zur Abschätzung des raumbezogenen Handlungsbedarfes und zur Formulierung von Handlungsempfehlungen für die Wiener Stadtpolitik im Sinne von Politikberatung leisten.
