
Aging Health Capital

This project aims at investigating the development of old-age health capital from an international perspective. It will identify life course factors associated with cognitive and physical performance and the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases of the 50+ population in Europe, the United States, and Asia using several comparable national panel surveys on health and aging. The factors are characteristics on the individual, regional/neighborhood, and country level and are collected at different points during the life course.

A new framework for integrating health services delivery and long-term care


The evolution of the scholarly debate on ‘integrated care’ and related initiatives to overcome fragmentation of service delivery has taken various directions and advances over the past two decades. On the one hand, care integration describes efforts focused on better coordination and linkage of services and specializations within the health system, e.g. disease management and related guidelines.


Bedürfnisse älterer Menschen in der Gesundheitsversorgung

Im Projekt soll eine Datengrundlage zur Verbesserung der Informationen über die Erwartungen, Wünsche, Bedürfnisse bzw. die gewünschten Rahmenbedingungen älterer Personen in der Gesundheitsversorgung schaffen. Im urbanen (Wien) und ruralen (Waldviertel) Raum werden dazu insgesamt 28 episodische Interviews mit Personen, die 65 Jahre oder älter sind und noch zu Hause leben, durchgeführt.


SUSTAIN - Sustainable Tailored Integrated Care For Older People In Europe

SUSTAIN aims to concretely improve the way care services for older adults are organised and delivered across Europe, and especially for those who have multiple health and social care needs. This page will provide more information about the background and activities of SUSTAIN.

The project started from our observation that in all European countries, care for older people is often poorly coordinated. This prevents care from adequately meeting the needs of older adults, and it shows that quality of care and outcomes could be much improved.



Managing Frailty:

Ein umfassender Ansatz zur Förderung eines beeinträchtigungsfreien Lebens im Alter:

Die ADVANTAGE Initiative


Frailty stellt eine große Belastung für die betroffenen Personen dar und ist eine Herausforderung für die Nachhaltigkeit von Gesundheits- und Sozialsystemen in ganz Europa.


Call for project (14.11.2018): Horizon 2020 "2 Billion for Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing"

The European Commission is calling for new projects to be funded under the Horizon 2020-Work Programme 2018-2020. With Europe facing healthcare challenges, ICT for health and ageing is an important part of this. Researchers and innovators in this field are requested to apply before 24 April 2018.