
‘Good Care’ from the perspective of care workers

Background and aims of the study
The Chamber of Labour for Vienna has commissioned the European Centre to undertake an explorative study about how the various categories of professional care workers perceive quality of care. The aims of the study are to identify key-factors of quality in long-term care delivery and potential improvements of working conditions that may hamper or facilitate ‘good care’ in and across the various settings of long-term care provision. 

Methods and tasks


Die Bedeutung von Kennzahlen im Rahmen des Nationalen Qualitätszertifikats (NQZ) / The Role of Performance Indicators in the Context of the Austrian National Quality Certificate

Over the past few years about 40 Austrian care homes have attained a certification according to the Austrian National Quality Certificate. During this process, the assessment of results has reportedly been one of the major challenges for care home managers and for external auditors. These experiences offer an important basis for identifying and assessing the utilisation of performance indicators by care homes.


Determinants of Use of Care in Slovenia and Austria (DET_CAREMIX)

Like most countries in Europe, Austria and Slovenia rely heavily on the family for the provision of long-term care (LTC). They differ, however, as to the nature and scope of support provided to family carers (more generous in Austria while in Slovenia, the family is the carer “by default”). This study uses the different institutional settings between the two countries to gain a better understanding of how older people make their choices regarding care, namely,



EXCELC - Lebensqualität durch Betreuung und Pflege: ein Vergleich dreier Länder

Um Versorgungs- und Unterstützungssysteme für pflegebedürftige Menschen effektiv und effizient zu gestalten, ist es erforderlich die Wirkungen bzw. Ergebnisse der Langzeitpflege und -betreuung zu erfassen.


Team ProGenerationen

Das Kooperationsprojekt Team ProGenerationen
Team ProGenerationen ist ein seit 20. Jänner 2017 bestehendes Kooperationsprojekt der GerAnimations®-Trainerin Mag. Gabriela Neveril und der Lebensberaterin Stephanie Niederhuber. Das Projekt verbindet Seniorenanimation mit Angehörigenberatung zu einem gemeinsamen Angebot für Familien: Betreuung und Begleitung für Seniorinnen, Senioren und Angehörige.
Zeitvertreib und aktives Miteinander für Seniorinnen und Senioren
